Treatments provided by Sanjay Agrawal

Weight Loss Injections: A better choice than a pharmacy

In recent years weight loss injections such as Wegovy, Ozempic and Mounjaro have proved a revolutionary solution for those struggling with obesity. The injections primarily work by mimicking the actions of certain hormones that regulate appetite and glucose metabolism, helping to reduce hunger, increase feelings of fullness and improve blood sugar control, thus aiding significant weight loss.

Although weight loss injections are effective, their success is dependent on proper screening and a comprehensive treatment plan. As an Obesity Specialist, Mr Agrawal offers expertise and experience, holistic care, safety and monitoring of side effects and access to the latest treatments. This personalised approach ensures that patients receive the best possible care on their journey to a healthier weight and improved quality of life.

Mr Agrawal can offer Mounjaro and Wegovy weight loss injections at competitive prices, including 10% off the first order. Prices include:

  • Genuine UK weight loss medicine prescribed by experienced specialist weight loss team
  • Online consultation from the comfort of your home
  • Free and fast delivery to your home
  • 1-2-1 weight loss support from an expert team
  • Monthly support group meetings with the bariatric team
  • Peer support via private Facebook group and the Clinic's social media community
  • Email support and everyday advice

Mounjaro Injections

Wegovy injections

FREE delivery

FREE delivery

Includes Online Consultation

Includes Online Consultation

2.5mg (4 x doses of 2.5mg) £169.00

0.25mg (4 x doses of 0.25mg) £169.00

5mg (4 x doses of 5mg) £179.00

0.5mg (4 x doses of 0.5mg) £179.00

7.5mg (4 x doses of 7.5mg) £205.00

1.0mg (4 x doses of 1.0mg) £189.00

10mg (4 x doses of 10mg) £215.00

1.7mg (4 x doses of 1.7mg) £225.00

12.5mg (4 x doses of 12.5mg) £229.00

2.4mg (4 x doses of 2.4mg £269.00

15mg (4 x doses of 15mg) £235.00



Weight loss treatment in 3 simple steps

1. Complete the online questionnaire form

2. Virtual appointment

3. Prescription sent to your door

Start the process with one easy click


Gastric sleeve surgery

Also known as sleeve gastrectomy, gastric sleeve surgery is a procedure to reduce the size of the stomach by approximately 75-85%. Reducing the size of the stomach not only restricts the amount that can be eaten, but also reduces the appetite by decreasing the production of appetite stimulating hormones in the stomach.

Gastric sleeve surgery is performed laparoscopically through four or five small keyhole incisions. It takes one to two hours under general anaesthetic. The remaining portion of stomach is shaped into a sleeve or tube about the size of a banana and sealed using staples. Recovery time is two to three weeks including a post-surgery stay in hospital of two to three days.

On average, a person will lose 60-70% of their excess body weight within a year of gastric sleeve surgery. There are no dietary restrictions following gastric sleeve surgery, however, to enjoy the maximum benefits of the surgery, it is important to follow a healthy diet plan and consume meals that contain less fat.

Benefits of gastric sleeve surgery

  • 90% of people with Type II diabetes are cured
  • 85-90% of people with hypertension reduce or stop medication
  • 80% of people will have an improvement in cholesterol levels
  • 90% of women with polycystic ovary syndrome have fertility restored
  • 80% of people with liver disease have a complete resolution
  • 85% of people who use a continuous positive airway pressure machine will be able to stop

Your weight loss journey

Mr Agrawal and his team are committed to providing total support throughout your weight loss journey:

  • Contact the team – and arrange your appointment with Mr Sanjay Agrawal
  • Your Plan – at your consultation, Mr Agrawal will help you find the right weight loss solution and provide you with honest and open advice about your surgery
  • Your Team – Mr Agrawal, his dietician and nursing team will fully prepare and support you for surgery
  • Your Care – Mr Agrawal and his specialist care team will ensure that all your needs are met during your hospital stay
  • The New You – Mr Agrawal’s excellent aftercare and support team are available to you following surgery, working with you to ensure that you achieve your desired and well-earned results

Exclusive Facebook Support Group

The Weight Loss Support Group is a private Facebook group run by people who have previously had surgery with Mr Agrawal. A unique forum of discussion, it offers the perfect opportunity for those who are considering or awaiting surgery to find out more, as well as providing a safe, friendly space for those who are already on their post-surgical journey.


The price for a gastric sleeve surgery 1 year all-inclusive package offered by Mr Agrawal is £9,999* at BMI The London Independent Hospital.

Prices may vary at the other hospitals he works at, but all are very competitive and among the lowest to be found nationally. The hospitals that Mr Agrawal works with also have 0% finance options to help spread the cost of the procedure.

*Please note that these are guide prices based on you being fit for the procedure. Quotes may vary according to individual requirements

Package prices include:

  • 3 appointments with Mr Agrawal in the first year
  • 2 dietitian appointments in the first year
  • Unlimited access to Mr Agrawal and dietitian for support while in hospital
  • Personalised dietary care advice
  • Exclusive access to peer support via private Facebook group
  • Exclusive access to monthly support group meetings with the bariatric team
  • Access to the weight loss social media community
  • Every day telephone support and advice

Other weight loss options

Mr Agrawal also performs gastric band surgery and gastric bypass surgery.

Gastric band surgery involves placement of a band around the stomach, which helps reduce food intake and results in a quicker sensation of fullness. It is a reversible process resulting in 50-60% excess weight loss.

Gastric bypass is a procedure to reduce the size of the stomach and reroute a portion of the digestive system. This results in restricted meal portions and the body absorbing less food. It is a non-reversible process resulting in 70-80% weight loss.

Getting treatment

All the private hospitals that Dr Agrawal works with in London, Essex and Hertfordshire are equipped with the latest state-of-the-art technology, allowing him to offer the highest quality treatment.

A consultation with Mr Agrawal to discuss treatment can be made at any of the hospitals listed by calling his private secretary on 07876 618 424 or by email at

Treatments, operations and tests

Acid reflux is caused by high acid levels in the stomach preventing the proper sealing of esophagus. The acid to travel upwards and burn the esophagus, irritating the lining and can cause a burning sensation. Surgical intervention is recommended when changes in lifestyle and diet have proved ineffective. Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasion procedure to reinforce the seal by wrapping part of the stomach around the lower esophagus.
Gall bladder removal (cholecystectomy) surgery is usually performed laparoscopically (keyhole), using a laparoscope. The surgeon removes your gall bladder with the aid of a small camera which is inserted into the abdomen via one of a number of small incisions in the abdomen. It is now a relatively common procedure which requires only a short time in hospital.
Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB) is purely restrictive weight loss surgery. Restrictive forms of weight loss surgery such as LAGB promote weight loss by limiting food intake and promoting a feeling of fullness (satiety) after meals. The LAGB surgery was developed for bariatric patients who wanted a safer, less complex alternative to gastric bypass surgery.During laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding surgery, two medical devices are implanted into the body
Gastric bypass procedures (GBP) are any of a group of similar operations that first divides the stomach into a small upper pouch and a much larger lower "remnant" pouch and then re-arranges the small intestine to allow both pouches to stay connected to it. Surgeons have developed several different ways to reconnect the intestine, thus leading to several different GBP names. Any GBP leads to a marked reduction in the functional volume of the stomach, accompanied by an altered physiological and physical response to food.
An epigastric hernia happens when a weakness in the abdominal muscle allows the tissues of the abdomen to protrude through the muscle. An epigastric hernia is usually present at birth, and may heal without treatment as the infant grows and the abdominal muscles strengthen. An epigastric hernia is similar to a umbilical hernia, except the umbilical hernia forms around the belly button and the epigastric hernia is usually between the belly button and the chest.
Femoral hernias occur just below the inguinal ligament, when abdominal contents pass through a naturally occurring weakness called the femoral canal. Femoral hernias are a relatively uncommon type, accounting for only 3% of all hernias. While femoral hernias can occur in both males and females, almost all of them develop in women because of the wider bone structure of the female pelvis. Femoral hernias are more common in adults than in children. Those that do occur in children are more likely to be associated with a connective tissue disorder or with conditions that increase intra-abdominal pressure.
A hernia is a weakness in the stomach or abdominal wall. There are various forms of treatment - open hernia surgery using a mesh to repair the weakness, and keyhole surgery which may enable you to return to normal activities sooner.
A hernia occurs when the abdominal muscle weakens, resulting in a bulge or tear through which tissue can be pressed and cause extreme pain. Laparoscopic techniques require a small incision and the insertion of a camera/tool to repair the hernia through surgical staples and patches. While the incision is minimal and generally performed as an outpatient procedure it requires a general anaesthetic.
The hernia pouch or sac is the lining of the inside of the tummy wall. It pushes through the weakness at the tummy button. The sac has a fatty covering and inside there may be bowel or fatty tissue called omentum. The sac steadily gets larger and can be painful. The bowel and omentum may get stuck in the sac. Their blood supply can be cut off and the bowel and omentum can strangulate and die. This causes vomiting, great pain and is very serious. Umbilical hernias are very common and easily treated, particularly when small. If treated when they are small, this will prevent strangulation and make the strongest repair.
A hernia occurs when the abdominal muscle weakens, resulting in a bulge or tear through which tissue can be pressed and cause extreme pain. Laparoscopic techniques require a small incision and the insertion of a camera/tool to repair the hernia through surgical staples and patches. While the incision is minimal and generally performed as an outpatient procedure it requires a general anaesthetic.
Sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical weight-loss procedure in which the stomach is reduced to about 25% of its original size, by surgical removal of a large portion of the stomach, following the major curve. The open edges are then attached together (often with surgical staples) to form a sleeve or tube with a banana shape. The procedure permanently reduces the size of the stomach. The procedure is performed laparoscopically and is not reversible.