How much does private intrauterine insemination (IUI) cost in Harley Street?

The following prices are guidelines taken from hospitals, clinics, doctors and specialists based in Harley Street. To get a tailored quote, contact one of the specialists below or use our Get a quote service.

Typical Harley Street prices

You could expect to pay around £990 for a private intrauterine insemination (IUI) in Harley Street and between £200 and £295 for a consultation with an infertility specialist in Harley Street.

Get a quote for intrauterine insemination (iui)

* Prices are guidelines taken from hospitals and clinics in Harley Street. To get a tailored quote, contact one of the doctors, specialists, hospitals or clinics below or use our Get a Quote service

Find a Harley Street infertility specialist

The following Harley Street based doctors and specialists offer intrauterine insemination (IUI).

Doctors and specialists

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

0797... reveal

Experience GP referral Consultation times Price
39 years Not Required Mon AM, PM, Eve   Sat AM   Not Provided

Fertility Specialist, IVF Consultant

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Hospitals and clinics

Infertility clinic

Infertility clinic run by The London Women's Clinic

Acupuncture clinic

Infertility clinic

Infertility clinic

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